This information is provided by Josef Musílek. You can contact Josef by mail in case of questions about it ([email protected]).
These classes and their functions return results in 1D members and in supports. The results are returned in list of objects. Thus, they can be for example easily serialized into .xml file or any results can be got from these lists by LINQ querying.
1. Add file GetResults.cs into your project
2. Create list of beams which you want to get internal forces or deformations in. For example, by using LINQ query:
List<StructuralCurveMember> chosenBeams = model.OfType<StructuralCurveMember>().Where(b => b.Name == "b1" || b.Name == "b2").ToList();
3. Create list of supports which you want get reactions in. For example:
List<StructuralPointSupport> chosenSupports = model.OfType<StructuralPointSupport>().Where(x => x.Name == "su4").ToList();
4. Create list of cases (load cases or load combination) which you want to get results for. For example:
List<StructuralAnalysisObjectBase> chosenCases = new List<StructuralAnalysisObjectBase>();
chosenCases.AddRange(model.OfType<StructuralLoadCombination>().Where(c => c.Name == "coLin" || c.Name == "coENULSb").ToList());
chosenCases.AddRange(model.OfType<StructuralLoadCase>().Where(c => c.Name == "lc3a").ToList());
5. Create objects for getting results:
var objIF = new CreatingListOfInternalForcesInSection();
var objDef = new CreatingListOfDeformationsInSection();
var objR = new CreatingListOfReactionsInSupport();
6. For getting internal forces in chosen beams and for chosen cases call method
List<InternalForcesInSection> listIF = objIF.CreateListOfInternalForcesInSection(proj, model, chosenBeams, chosenCases);
7. For getting deformations
List< <DeformationsInSection> listDef = objDef.CreateListOfDeformationsInSection(proj, model, chosenBeams, chosenCases);
8. For getting reactions
List<ReactionsInSupport> listR = objR.CreateListOfReactionsInSupport(proj, model, chosenSupports, chosenCases);
9. Explanation of inputs parameters of functions:
proj: project Esa (Type EsaProject)
model: Analysis Model (Type AnalysisModel)
chosenBeams, chosenSupports, chosenCases: explained above
One instance of class InternalForcesInSection represents internal forces in particular beam, in particular section, for particular load case or load combination and for particular layer.
The meaning of instances of classes DeformationsInSection and ReactionsInSupport is analogous to the class InternalForcesInSection.
For a possibility of a serialization, the fields in classes mentioned above are set as public and the properties with private setters are not used.
This is not official SCIA software and these community addons are delivered without any warranty or guarantee. So always verify the imported data. If you have any feedback, comments, requests, please feel free to contact Josef Musílek at e-mail [email protected].