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SCIA Engineer

SCIA Engineer

Create your best structural designs in the most fast, accurate and powerful way, regardless of the structure. – from the everyday, to the once in a lifetime

SCIA Engineer

SCIA Engineer is an integrated, multi-material structural analysis software and design tool for all kinds of structures. Its wide range of functionality makes it the ideal partner for the design of office buildings, industrial plants, bridges or any other project, all within the same easy-to-use environment.

  • fast analysis and design of any structure - from simple to complex
  • work the way you like
  • cutting-edge technologies and tools for effective work
  • organize and review every aspect of the structure
  • trusted, safe and economical design
Why SCIA Engineer?

Why SCIA Engineer?

SCIA Engineer is a software for structural engineers created by structural engineering enthusiasts. Based on our 45+ years of experience and relentless open dialogue with our customers, we help you produce accurate, safe and economical design compliant with the latest building codes while boosting your productivity and saving your valuable time, almost an hour every day.

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User Stories

The dome_header_1200x800
SCIA Engineer

Showcase Project: The Glass Dome at Albert Square, Knokke

The Glass Dome at Albert Square, Knokke, showcases cutting-edge engineering This 7-meter glass and steel structure uses a unique 'jigsaw' assembly without traditional screws or welding.

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SCIA Engineer, Allplan

Sludge Digestor - Londrina PR

The Digester is a semi-buried structure. The underside of the bottom slab is found at 9.5 m below ground.

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International Airport Complex Galeão RJ - Rio de Janeiro
SCIA Engineer, Allplan

International Airport Complex Galeão RJ

The project is part of the extension works of the Galeão – International Airport Tom Jobim airport complex, which has the largest runway in Brazil.

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Superhub - Pieters Bouwtechniek
SCIA Engineer


The SuperHub in Meerstad is a market hall with a fully timber structure with a green roof. 

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SCIA Engineer

Verlengde Waal Brug

The “Verlengde Waalbrug” is an in-situ post-tensioned concrete bridge with a total length of 275 m.

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What customers say

SCIA Engineer - Cutting edge software

Learn what our customers say about our software

I'm really impressed with SCIA Engineer. It is super user-friendly and a big time saver. The technical support was always able to help me fast and adequately. This is software you should invest in.

Vanneth Ny

building system engineer at Fuxin Steel Buildings Co., LTD

I would recommend SCIA Engineer 21 to long-term SCIA users who want to spend a bit more time on design and less in setting things up and for new users and the generations that have been brought up on highly visual user interfaces or programming and prefer simple searches to them I think this is going to feel really familiar. 

Matthew Burton

principal engineer at AECOM

Now, architects and engineers can work in the same 3D model together — our beams are their beams; their walls are our walls. Working together in real-time makes everything so much clearer, faster, and more efficient.

Jake Timmons - Riverstone Structural Concepts

Structural Designer

We keep our SCIA software regularly updated through the maintenance contract. It enables us to design complex concrete and steel structures according to the Eurocodes and other codes. The ability to transfer the model to Tekla Structures and back brings a high efficiency to our structural engineers.

Hana Gattermayerova, Atelier P.H.A., spol. s r.o.

Chief Structural Engineer
Improving the engineering workflow

SCIA BIM solutions

We are constantly looking for ways to improve the engineering workflow and to make BIM a workable reality for all. We realise this cannot all be done via a ‘one size fits all’ approach and so we have developed a number of different solutions for ANY type of company and engineering workflow, from a federated to an integrated model.

Work around the globe

Comprehensive code-coverage

SCIA Engineer provides the most comprehensive implementation of Eurocodes, including over 20 National Annexes, U.S. codes and other international standards like NBR or SIA..

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