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Input Combinations Via Excel

Use this MS Excel VBA-based tool to import the defined combination into SCIA Engineer.
Export the list of load cases from a SCIA Engineer project to this XLS-file, and then create linear (type: linear, envelope and EN) and nonlinear combinations, by specifying the coefficients for each load case.
For detailed information: see the Instructions-Sheet inside the excel workbook.


Macros need to be enabled for this tool to work.

  1. Make a backup copy of your SCIA Engineer project
  2. Export the loadcases from the existing project (Main menu > File > Export to > XML file)
  3. Import the exported loadcases in the Combi-tab
    • Go to the Combi-sheet in this excel workbook
    • Click the [Import Load Cases]-button
    • Select the XML-file from point 2. (see above)
  4. Create combinations in this excel workbook
    • Go to the Combi-sheet in this excel workbook
    • Define 1 row per combination
    • The column 'Combi ID', 'Name', 'Description' and 'Type' must be inputted
    • Item 'Combi ID' equals 1 for the first combination, 2 for the second, 3 for the third, and so on
    • Item 'Name' is a text-string.
    • Item 'Description' is a text-string.
    • Item 'Type' equals:
      • ENVULS Envelope - ultimate
      • ENVSLS Envelope - serviceability
      • LINULS or ULS Linear - ultimate
      • LINSLS or SLS Linear - serviceability
      • ENACC1 EN-Accidental 1
      • ENACC2 EN-Accidental 2
      • ENSEISM EN-Seismic
      • ENSLSC or ENSLS EN-SLS Characteristic
      • ENSLSF EN-SLS Frequent
      • ENSLSQP EN-SLS Quasi-permanent
      • NLULS Non-Linear - ultimate
      • NLSLS Non-Linear - serviceability
    • Define a coefficient for each load case
  5. Export the combinations from this excel workbook
    • Go to the Combi-sheet in this excel workbook
    • Click the [Export Combi]-button
    • Input a name for the XML-file that will contain the definitions of the combinations
  6. Import the exported combinations into SCIA Engineer
    • Open SCIA Engineer
    • Open the .esa project from point 1. (see above)
    • Select Main menu > File > Update from > XML file, and select the exported XML file from point 5. (see below)