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Train Loads on 1D Members

This MS Excel VBA-based tool creates train loads on multiple 1D members, which can be imported via XML to SCIA Engineer.

This MS Excel VBA-based tool creates train loads on multiple 1D members, which can be imported via XML to SCIA Engineer.


  1. Make a backup copy of your SCIA Engineer project
  2. Creating a "Running Length" in this excel workbook
    • Go to the Params-sheet in this excel workbook
    • In the "Train Running Length Definition - Table", input values for:
      • Beam Name: -> this are the beam names from your SCIA Engineer project
      • Length: -> input the length of each beam
    • Calculated fields:
      • Σ Run: -> sum of the total length of all inputted beams in each Running Length.
  3. Creating a "Train Load" in this excel workbook
    • Go to the Params-sheet in this excel workbook
    • In the "Train Load Definition - Table", input values for:
      • Dir: -> input 'X', 'Y' or 'Z'. These directions taken according to the LCS of the beam.
      • Load: -> input the value of the load
      • Offset: -> input the position of each load along the direction of the Running Length.
    • Calculated fields:
      • First position, First load: -> first (generated) position of the first load of the Train Load on the Running Length -> compare this value with the beginning of your Running Length.
      • Last position, First load: -> last (generated) position of the first load of the Train Load on the Running Length -> compare this value with the beginning of your Running Length.
      • First position, Last load: -> first (generated) position of the last load of the Train Load on the Running Length -> compare this value with the end of your Running Length.
      • Last position, Last load: -> last (generated) position of the last load of the Train Load on the Running Length -> compare this value with the end of your Running Length.
  4. Creating a "Limited Running Length" in this excel workbook
    • Go to the Params-sheet in this excel workbook
    • In the "Limited Running Length - Table", input values for:
      • First position on Run: -> refers to the first position of the Offset point (Train Definition) on the Running Length
      • Step Size: -> a new load case will be genereted for each step. Input the step size.
      • Number of Steps: -> Input the number of steps that will be generated. Number of generated load cases = Number of Steps + 1
    • Calculated fields:
      • Last position on Run: -> refers to the last position of the Offset point (Train Definition) on the Running Length
    • Configuration
      • Load Case name: -> prefix for the generated load case names
      • Load Group name: -> the name of the Load Group. All generated load cases will be assigned to this exclusive load group.
      • Load name: -> prefix for the generated load names
  5. Generating the Train Loads on 1D Members
    • Go to the Params-sheet in this excel workbook
    • Click the [Generate Data of Input Sheet]-button
  6. Exporting the generated Train Loads on 1D Members from this excel workbook
    • Go to the Input-sheet in this excel workbook
    • Click the [Export XML]-button
    • Input a name for the XML-file that will contain the definitions of the generated Train Loads on 1D Members
  7. Importing the generated Train Loads on 1D Members into SCIA Engineer
    • Open SCIA Engineer
    • Open the .esa project from point 1. (see above)
    • Select Main menu > File > Update from > XML file, and select the exported XML file from point 2. (see above)