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ADM API with Python

Details of ADM API with Python

  • Module code ESA1929
  • Software
    • SCIA Engineer
  • FAQ topic

Follow the steps below to use the ADM API / OpenAPI in combination with Python.

You can find documentation on the ADM (Analysis Data Model) API here.

First download the (free) version of Python via following link:

Then you need to install the pip Pythonnet library to load the C#-dlls (and to avoid errors such as "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'clr'):

Open the command prompt (cmd) and execute "pip install pythonnet" on the location of pip.exe (typically this is C:\Users\*username*\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Scripts):

Now you can start writing your Python script to create a model based on ADM.

Afterwards you need to create a SAF-file.

In SCIA Engineer you can import that SAF-file or it can be automated (importing the SAF-file, executing the analysis and creating results) via the ESA_XML routine. You can find more information on following helppage:


The archive AdmApi_SAF contains an example project using the ADM API:

 Unpack the zip-file and store the file somewhere.

Then edit the file in Notepad++ and set the correct folders for your SCIA Engineer version and a (Temp) folder where the generated SAF-file and log-file can be written:

Open the command prompt and execute the from the folder where you store the file:

For more info about ADM, see also: