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Our SCIA Webinars

Our past recorded webinars

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SCIA Engineer 25

Second generation of Eurocodes for steel

SCIA Engineer

A look into the timeline for 2nd generation Eurocodes, the anticipated changes for steel design and a preview of the implementation of those rules in SCIA Engineer.

SCIA Engineer 25 vibration analysis

New Vibration Analysis in SCIA Engineer 25

SCIA Engineer

This webinar demonstrates how SCIA Engineer 25 enables effective vibration analysis of steel footbridges, a critical component in ensuring pedestrian comfort, safety, and structural durability. The new developments that allow to create harmonic load cases, run the analysis and interpret the results will be illustrated through a hands-on example.

SCIA Engineer 25 steel design

Steel design according to American design rules

SCIA Engineer

Discover the possibilities for steel design according to the latest ASCE and AISC rules in version 25 of SCIA Engineer
This webinar aims at giving an overview of steel design possibilities according to the American design rules, with special attention to changes brought by the latest ASCE 7-22 and AISC 360-22 rules and recent novelties to the steel design for SCIA Engineer version 25. The features will be shown and explained at the hand of a small worked example.

SCIA Engineer 25 composite design

A case study deep-dive into composite beam design

SCIA Engineer

Learn the details of effective composite beam design with SCIA Engineer and industry expert Arcelor Mittal.
In collaboration with Arcelor Mittal, we offer you this webinar about composite beam design. The webinar will be focused around a case study that we will analyze. We will have a detailed look into the best ways to model the case, the constructive details, stability,

SCIA Engineer - Tekla link

SCIA Engineer BIM workflow with Tekla Structures

SCIA Engineer

In this webinar we will demonstrate the current workflow to exchange models between SCIA Engineer and Tekla structures with special attention to the following:

  • Compatibility with the new user interface
  • Exchanging a structural and/or an analytical model
  • Mapping different type of cross-sections
  • Importing, exporting and updating of your models


SCIA Engineer - Revit link

SCIA Engineer BIM workflow with Revit

SCIA Engineer

In this webinar we will demonstrate the current workflow to exchange models between SCIA Engineer and Revit with special attention to the following:

  • Compatibility with the new user interface
  • Exchanging a structural and/or an analytical model
  • Mapping different type of cross-sections
  • Importing, exporting and updating of your models
  • Exchanging results