- It is possible to define a system of mobile point, line, and surface loads (train loads).
- Arbitrarily shaped trajectories (tracks) may have straight or curved parts.
- Automatic generation of load cases for each load position.
This module allows simulation of moving loads along a specified path on 2D members. Train loads are suitable for the modelling of complex loads on structures such as:
traffic on road- and rail-bridges, viaducts, etc.
crowd movement on pedestrian bridges and floor slabs.
Train loads
- Passing of predefined groups of forces (representing a traffic load pattern) along a track is simulated by a series of load cases. Each load case corresponds to one position of the load on the track;
- The number of considered positions depends on a user-defined step size;
- The loaded slabs may be flat or curved.

Traffic load patterns
- Traffic load patterns may consist of concentrated and/or uniformly distributed loads;
- Traffic load patterns can be shared among projects, being library elements;
- Predefined traffic load patterns according to EN 1991-2, SETRA and French FASCICULE61 standards are provided.

Traffic lanes
- User manually defines the track along which the traffic load pattern will move;
- Tracks can be updated and do not need to be redefined after changes in the model geometry - changed node coordinates, cross-sections, etc.

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