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Model modifiers

  • Software
    • SCIA Engineer
  • Included in editions
    • Concept,
    • Professional,
    • Expert,
    • Ultimate
  • Category Analysis & Results
  • License Perpetual, Subscription


Unified modification of the model
Stiffness modifications per load case for analysis of seismicity
Simulation of construction phases 

SCIA Engineer 19.0 comes with feature called Model modifiers. This feature unifies absences and property modifiers to one service. The main benefit of this unification is that absences and property modifiers can be used in one modification group and such a group attached to the load case. As a user you can use it for simple simulation of construction phases, decreasing of stiffness of the structure for just seismic calculation, simulation of long term behaviour of bridge structure due to various E modulus etc. One of the benefits is that there in no need  to choose the type of the model in the project dialogue but just simply choose Model modifiers from the Functionality list.


All functionality of Absences have been migrated from post-processing environment 'v16 and older' into the 'default' one. As a result, you can model absenting 1D as well as 2D member and nodal supports. We have furthermore enhance absences with separate possibility to select subregion of 2D member as one type of the absented members. The benefit is that absented subregion is clearly split from master 2D member in the case of the report as well as graphical representation with its own graphical flag. 


Display of the results have been also enhanced. Absences can be used for linear, stability and non-linear analysis. The only limitation for non-linear and stability analysis is that the combination has to contain just load cases with the same modification group.


Property modifiers per load case

SCIA Engineer 19.0 brings a brand new functionality called property modifiers per load case. This is enlargement of the usage of property modifiers. In the past, a user was able to use property modifiers and attach them to 1D and 2D members. The drawback of that approach was that the modification was valid for all load cases. So, the user had to have several projects for her calculations. The new property modifiers per load case limit the modification to the selected load case. Property modifiers per load case can be used for linear, stability and non-linear analysis. The only limitation for non-linear and stability analysis is that the combination may contain just load cases with the same modification group.

First introduced in version 19.0

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