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sencd.01 - RC design of frames & surfaces

  • Module code sencd.01
  • Software
    • SCIA Engineer
  • Included in editions
    • Concept,
    • Professional,
    • Expert,
    • Ultimate
  • Category Concrete Design
  • License Perpetual


  • Clear and self-explanatory input of code-related parameters
  • Graphical and tabular representation of results from checks
  • Wide coverage of element types: hollow core slabs, pre- and post- tensioned beams, ...
  • Fire resistance including assessment of post fire situation
  • Partial or overall checks available

SCIA Engineer represents a complete tool for the design and checking of reinforced and prestressed structures, enabling the calculation and checking of prestressed and non-prestressed concrete beams, columns, and concrete slabs, even hollow core ones.

RC Beams & Columns Design

Section and crack analysis for reinforced concrete beams and columns. Calculation of theoretically required longitudinal (main) and lateral reinforcement. Input of concrete data (concrete cover, reinforcement) and the normative factors in clear dialogues. Redistributed moments and shear diagram and the required reinforcement are represented graphically and numerically. Detailed graphical results of, amongst others, internal forces, elongations, steel stress and details of the stress-strain diagram. Crack analysis in serviceability limit state.

Supported codes: EN 1992 (various NAs), ACI-318, SIA262, NBR Brazilian code 6118/2014.

Fire resistance

Fire resistance check (sencd.05)

Check of the fire resistance of beams, columns according detailing rules and the simplified method as defined in the EN 1992-1-2.

Plates, walls & shells

Reinforced Plates & Walls Design

Reinforcement analysis, incl. crack and checks of concrete plates and walls. Calculation of theoretically required reinforcement. Input of concrete data (concrete cover, reinforcement) and the normative factors in clear dialogues. Two or three reinforcement layers on both sides of the plate or wall.

Supported codes: EN 1992 (various NAs), ACI-318, SIA262, NBR Brazilian code 6118/2014.

Code dependant concrete deformations

Code Dependant Deformations (sencd.04)

Analysis of total, immediate and additional deformations in reinforced concrete structures including the calculation of long-term stiffness according the codes.

Material Nonlinear Analysis for Concrete Structures

Physical Nonlinear Concrete 1D (sens.06)

Analysis of the redistribution of internal forces for frames due to the physical non-linear behaviour of (reinforced) concrete or masonry structures in combination with non-linear conditions and geometrical non-linearity.


Punching plates (sencd.02.X)

Various geometric configurations (column on angle, on the side, middle) automatically detected. Possibility to define openings in plates and column heads. Automatic determination of critical parameter.

Available codes: EN 1992-1-1 (various NAs), SIA 262.

Input of reinforcement

Practical Reinforcement (sencd.03)

Definition of practical reinforcement. Various types of anchorages for stirrups and longitudinal reinforcement in 1D members. Automatic design of practical reinforcement according to the ultimate limit state for concrete frames (beams and columns). Mesh made from two or more layers of reinforcement in 2D members. Reinforcement mesh library.

Strand patterns (sens.21)

Input of strand patterns, to be used for pre-stressed concrete. Strand pattern library. Each wire or strand can be fixed, unbonded or draped.

Posttensioned Internal and External Tendons (sens.21)

Input of post-tensioned tendons of the following types: mono or multi- strand tendon bonded in grouted ducts, external (free) tendon, unbonded mono or multi- strand tendon (approximate analysis). Import a tendon from a CAD application (DWG, DXF). Each tendon can exist of a set of strands and a set of tendons (forming a group of tendons). Friction losses and anchorage set.

Prestressing / Posttensioning

Prestress check (sens.21)

Calculation of response of prestressed cross-section at ULS subject to a combination of bending moments and axial force. Allowable (compression and/or tensile) stresses of concrete and prestressing in serviceability limit state. Supported codes: EN 1992-1-1 and EN 1992-2.

Check of Hollow Core Slabs (sencd.07.en)

Special check of hollow core slabs for shear, splitting, shear and torsion, support conditions and punching according EN 1168.

Required modules:

  • sen.00
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