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sen.12 - Tekla link

  • Module code sen.12
  • Software
    • SCIA Engineer
  • Included in editions
    • Concept,
    • Professional,
    • Expert,
    • Ultimate
  • Category Interoperability & BIM
  • License Perpetual


  • Bi-directional link
  • Direct as well as file-based transfer
  • Support of EC materials and cross-sections
  • Import and export of the whole model or its selected part
  • Update of the model (after modifications)
  • Easy mapping of materials and cross-sections
  • Reinforcement import and export

SCIA Engineer is a powerful solution not only for structural analysis itself, but it also features extensive interoperability options. There are various kinds of option, we can divide them into two categories - Open and Closed BIM. The Open BIM is based on the IFC format, whereas the Closed BIM is based on proprietary links with other software. An example of the latter is our Tekla Structures link. This link enables us to transfer of the model of a structure between Tekla Structures and SCIA Engineer.

The work with the link is easy. You just need to install the plug-in into Tekla Structures. Once installed, you can use it. The link is always compatible with the last two versions of major releases of both SCIA Engineer and Tekla Structures. The link is bi-directional, so that you can update your model from both sides. You have the option to make a direct transfer of the model or transfer via a file export. The benefit of the direct transfer is that you can work with the model in Tekla Structures and SCIA Engineer simultaneously and update it when needed. On the other hand, the benefit of the file export is that you can send your model to your colleague who may be experienced in using the other application.

A general feature and advantage of the link is that you can transfer the whole model or just a selected part. Therefore, you can have more analytical models for one structure, e.g. a steel part, a concrete part etc. You can follow the progress of the transfer in a dialogue window where you see which elements have been transferred. At the end of the transfer, you can also display the whole transfer report and save it.

You can select which national standard is used in SCIA Engineer for materials and cross-sections. Your choice is respected during the transfer in mapping of materials and cross-sections. The link helps you easily create mapping between the materials used in the Tekla Structures project and in the SCIA Engineer project. The same applied to cross-sections where the predefined mapping table is created. This mapping table contains steel profiles. Parametric profiles have to be mapped due to the various dimensions. When you create your mapping table, it is saved with the project.

Current link can transfer

  •   1D as well as 2D elements,
  •   constraints / support
  •   hinges
  •   rigid links
  •   export of reinforcement for beams and columns (user reinforcement, converted reinforcement and freebars) from SCIA Engineer to Tekla
  •   export of 2D reinforcement from SCIA Engineer to Tekla
  •   Import of reinforcement for beams and columns from Tekla to SCIA Engineer
  •   Import of paired cross-section from Tekla to SCIA Engineer


For more information about the Tekla Structures link, watch our webinar:

SCIA Engineer Tekla Structures link



Required modules:

  • sen.00
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